Source code for physcraper.treetaxon

"""Work in progress to pull apart the linked tree and taxon objects
 from the alignemnt based ATT object"""
import sys
import re
import json
import os
from dendropy import Tree
from physcraper.opentree_helpers import bulk_tnrs_load

[docs]def generate_TreeTax_from_run(workdir, start_files='output', tag=None): """Build an Tree + Taxon object from the outputs of a run. :return: object of class TreeTax """ files = os.listdir(workdir) for file in files: if file.startswith('inputs_'): tag = file.split('.')[0].replace('inputs_', '') assert os.path.exists(workdir) rundir = "{}/run_{}".format(workdir, tag) outputsdir = "{}/outputs_{}".format(workdir, tag) inputsdir = "{}/inputs_{}".format(workdir, tag) if start_files == 'output': try: treefile = "{}/physcraper_{}.tre".format(outputsdir, tag) otu_json = "{}/otu_info_{}.json".format(rundir, tag) assert os.path.exists(treefile) assert os.path.exists(otu_json) otu_dict = json.load(open(otu_json, "r")) return TreeTax(treefrom=treefile, otu_json=otu_dict, schema='newick') except AssertionError: sys.stdout.write("No output files found in {}, loading files from {}\n".format(outputsdir, inputsdir)) treefile = "{}/physcraper_{}.tre".format(inputsdir, tag) otu_json = "{}/otu_info_{}.json".format(rundir, tag) assert os.path.exists(treefile), treefile assert os.path.exists(otu_json), otu_json otu_dict = json.load(open(otu_json, "r")) return TreeTax(treefrom=treefile, otu_json=otu_dict, schema='newick')
[docs]class TreeTax(): """wrap up the key parts together, requires OTT_id, and names must already match. """ def __init__(self, otu_json, treefrom, schema='newick'): if treefrom == 'synth': sys.stderr.write("Tree from synth not implemented\n") sys.exit() assert os.path.exists(treefrom) self.tre = Tree.get(path=treefrom, schema=schema, preserve_underscores=True) if isinstance(otu_json, dict): self.otu_dict = otu_json elif isinstance(otu_json, str): assert os.path.exists(otu_json) with open(otu_json) as data_file: input_dict = json.load(data_file) if input_dict.keys() == set(['mappingHints', 'names', 'metadata']): self.otu_dict = bulk_tnrs_load(otu_json) else: self.otu_dict = input_dict self._reconcile_names() def _reconcile_names(self): """It rewrites some tip names, which kept being an issue when it starts with a number at the beginning. Then somehow a n was added to the tip names. :return: replaced tip names """ for tax in self.tre.taxon_namespace: if tax.label in self.otu_dict.keys(): pass else: found_label = 0 match = re.match("'n[0-9]{1,3}", tax.label) newname = "" if match: newname = tax.label[2:] newname = newname[:-1] for otu in self.otu_dict: original = self.otu_dict[otu].get("^ot:originalLabel") if original in (tax.label, newname): tax.label = otu found_label = 1 if found_label == 0: sys.stderr.write("could not match tiplabel {} or {} to an OTU\n".format(tax.label, newname)) otulab = tax.label self.otu_dict[otulab]["^ot:originalLabel"] = tax.label tax.label = otulab for tax in self.tre.taxon_namespace: assert tax.label in self.otu_dict
[docs] def write_labelled(self, label, path, norepeats=True, add_gb_id=False): """output tree and alignment with human readable labels Jumps through a bunch of hoops to make labels unique. NOT MEMORY EFFICIENT AT ALL Has different options available for different desired outputs :param label: which information shall be displayed in labelled files: possible options: '^ot:ottTaxonName', '^user:TaxonName', "^ot:originalLabel", "^ot:ottId", "^ncbi:taxon" :param treepath: optional: full file name (including path) for phylogeny :param alnpath: optional: full file name (including path) for alignment :param norepeats: optional: if there shall be no duplicate names in the labelled output files :param add_gb_id: optional, to supplement tiplabel with corresponding GenBank sequence identifier :return: writes out labelled phylogeny and alignment to file """ #debug("write labelled files") assert label in ['^ot:ottTaxonName', '^user:TaxonName', '^physcraper:TaxonName', "^ot:originalLabel", "^ot:ottId", "^ncbi:taxon"] tmp_newick = self.tre.as_string(schema="newick") tmp_tre = Tree.get(data=tmp_newick, schema="newick", preserve_underscores=True) for taxon in tmp_tre.taxon_namespace: new_label = self.otu_dict[taxon.label].get(label, None) if new_label is None: if self.otu_dict[taxon.label].get("^ot:originalLabel"): new_label = "orig_{}".format(self.otu_dict[taxon.label]["^ot:originalLabel"]) else: new_label = taxon.label if add_gb_id: gb_id = self.otu_dict[taxon.label].get('^ncbi:accession') if gb_id is None: gb_id = self.otu_dict[taxon.label].get("^ot:originalLabel") new_label = "_".join([str(new_label), str(gb_id)]) else: if norepeats: new_label = "_".join([str(new_label), taxon.label]) taxon.label = new_label tmp_tre.write(path=path, schema="newick", unquoted_underscores=True, suppress_edge_lengths=False)