How to combine analyses across multiple loci

Single locus analyses only provide a narrow view of the evolutionary history of a group.

After assembling individual gene data sets and phylogenies using Physcraper, it is straigtforward to combine results (alignments and data) from those analyses to obtain species tree estimates.

The script combines results from multiple single locus Physcraper runs and generates concatenated and astral input files.

Usage: [-h] [-d MULTIPLE_RUNS_FOLDER] [-o OUTPUT] [-f {concatenate,astral}]
                 [-s {fasta,nexus}] [-m {False,True}]


-h , --help

Show the help message and exit.

-d DIRECTORY_NAME, --locus_runs_folder DIRECTORY_NAME

A name (and path) of a directory containing at least two output directories from different individual Phsycraper runs.


A name (and path) for a directory to write the combined results of multiple Physcraper runs. If it exists, it will be overwritten.

-f {concatenate,astral}, --format {concatenate,astral}

Format of combined output file.

-s {fasta,nexus}, --schema {fasta,nexus}

Combined output file alignment schema.

-m {False, True}, --include_missing {False, True}

Where uneven numbers of sequences are available, concatenate with gaps. default to False .


To generate input files for an ASTRAL species tree analysis, ( use -f astral. This will generate two files in the output directory., a concatenation of all of the genetrees produced in individual analyses, and mapping.txt, a text file linking the tip lables in each of the gene trees to taxon names.

e.g. -d tests/data/precooked/multi_loc/ -f astral -o mini_species_tree

You can run Astral diretcly on these files e.g.

java -jar astral.5.7.5.jar -i mini_species_tree/ -a mini_species_tree/mappings.txt


To concatenate multiple loci into a single alignment use -f concatenate. Default settings only generate concatenated loci for taxa where there is a sequence at each locus .

e.g. -d tests/data/precooked/multi_loc/ -f concatenate -s fasta -o mini_concat

To generate concatenated taxa with missing loci use -m (for include missing data). -d tests/data/precooked/multi_loc/ -f concatenate -s nexus -m -o mini_concat_gaps

This will generate a concatenated alignment in the output directory with the name ‘concat.aln’ in the schema selected using -s (either fasta or nexus). Each concatenated sequences is labeled with the taxon name and an integer.

The sequences from each individual run comprising the concatenated sequence are described in “concat_info.txt” in the output directory.

SVD quartets

To write out a concatenated Nexus file with a taxon partitions block linking sequences for the same taxa, for use in SVD quartets analyses (tutorial at use -f svdq

This will generate a Nexus file of concatenated sequences linked together by their taxon assignment in a taxon block. The sequences from each individual run comprising the concatenated sequence are described in “concat_info.txt” in the output directory, as above. e.g. -d tests/data/precooked/multi_loc/ -f svdq -m -o svdq_out

This file can be used to run SVDQ in Paup e.g.

paup4a168_ubuntu64 mini_concat2/svdq.nex
svdq evalq=all taxpartition=species nthreads=ncpus;