Source code for physcraper.configobj

Physcraper run Configuration object generator
# Disabling attributes defined outside init bc they are defined in functions called in init
# pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init

import sys
import os
import datetime
import configparser
import shutil
import wget

_DEBUG = 0

PHYSCRAPER_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))

[docs]def is_number(inputstr): """Test if string can be coerced to float""" try: float(inputstr) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs]class ConfigObj(): """ To build the class the following is needed: * **configfi**: a configuration file in a specific format, e.g. to read in self.e_value_thresh. During the initializing process the following self objects are generated: * **self.e_value_thresh**: the defined threshold for the e-value during Blast searches, check out: * **self.hitlist_size**: the maximum number of sequences retrieved by a single blast search * **self.minlen**: value from 0 to 1. Defines how much shorter new seq can be compared to input * **self.trim_perc**: value that determines how many seq need to be present before the beginning and end of alignment will be trimmed * **self.maxlen**: max length for values to add to aln * **self.get_ncbi_taxonomy**: Path to sh file doing something... * **self.ott_ncbi**: file containing OTT id, ncbi and taxon name (??) * ****: email address used for blast queries * **self.blast_loc**: defines which blasting method to use: * either web-query (=remote) * from a local blast database (=local) * **self.num_threads**: number of cores to be used during a run * **self.url_base**: * if blastloc == remote: it defines the url for the blast queries. * if blastloc == local: url_base = None * **self.delay**: defines when to reblast sequences in days * **optional self.objects**: * if blastloc == local: * self.blastdb: this defines the path to the local blast database * self.ncbi_nodes: path to 'nodes.dmp' file, that contains the hierarchical information * self.ncbi_names: path to 'names.dmp' file, that contains the different ID's """ def __init__(self, configfile=None, run = True): # debug(configfi) if _DEBUG: sys.stdout.write("Building config object\n") = run if configfile: self.set_defaults() self.read_config(configfile) else: sys.stdout.write("No config file, using defaults\n") self.set_defaults()
[docs] def set_defaults(self): """ In the absence of an input configuration file, sets default values. """ = None self.e_value_thresh = 0.00001 self.hitlist_size = 10 self.blast_loc = 'remote' self.url_base = None self.blastdb = None self.num_threads = 4 self.delay = 90 self.spp_threshold = 5 self.minlen = 0.8 self.api_key = None self.maxlen = 1.2 self.taxonomy_dir = '' self.check_taxonomy()
[docs] def config_str(self): """ Write out the current config values. DOES NOT INCUDE SOME HIDDEN CONFIGUREABLE ATTRIBUTES """ config_text = '''[blast] = {email} e_value_thresh = {e_val} hitlist_size = {hls} location = {bl} localblastdb = {db} num_threads = {nt} delay = {delay} [physcraper] spp_threshold = {sppt} min_length = {perc} max_length = {maxlen} '''.format(, e_val=self.e_value_thresh, hls=self.hitlist_size, bl=self.blast_loc, db=self.blastdb, nt=self.num_threads, delay=self.delay, sppt=self.spp_threshold, perc=self.minlen, maxlen=self.maxlen) return config_text
[docs] def check_taxonomy(self): """Locates a taxonomy directory in tthe phyysraper repo, or if not avail (often because module was pip installed), genertes one. """ if os.path.exists(self.taxonomy_dir): pass elif os.path.exists("{}/taxonomy".format(PHYSCRAPER_DIR)): self.taxonomy_dir = "{}/taxonomy".format(PHYSCRAPER_DIR) else: if not os.path.exists('taxonomy'): os.mkdir("taxonomy") self.taxonomy_dir = os.path.abspath('taxonomy') sys.stdout.write("Using {} as taxonomy dir.".format(self.taxonomy_dir)) self.ott_ncbi = "{}/ott_ncbi".format(self.taxonomy_dir) if not os.path.exists(self.ott_ncbi): sys.stdout.write( "downloading taxonomy from \") '', out=self.taxonomy_dir) assert os.path.isfile(self.ott_ncbi), ( "file `%s` does not exist" % self.ott_ncbi )
[docs] def write_file(self, direc, filename="run.config"): """ writes config params to file * **direc**: path to write file * **filename**: filename to use. Default = run.config """ config_text = self.config_str() fi = open("{}/{}".format(direc, filename), "w") fi.write(config_text) fi.close()
[docs] def read_config(self, configfi): """ Reads configfile, and sets configuration params. any params not listed will be set to dafault values in set_default() * **configfile**: path to input file. """ assert os.path.isfile(configfi), "file `%s` does not exist" % configfi config = configparser.ConfigParser() self.configfi = configfi config.read_file(open(configfi)) # read in blast settings = config["blast"].get("") #if not "@" in #sys.stderr.write( # "your email `%s` does not have an @ sign. NCBI blast requests an email address.\n" % if config["blast"].get("Entrez.api_key"): self.api_key = config["blast"]["Entrez.api_key"] if self.api_key == 'None': self.api_key = None else: self.api_key = None self.e_value_thresh = config["blast"]["e_value_thresh"] assert is_number(self.e_value_thresh), ( "value `%s` does not exists" % self.e_value_thresh ) self.hitlist_size = int(config["blast"]["hitlist_size"]) assert is_number(self.hitlist_size), ( "value `%s`is not a number" % self.e_value_thresh ) # read in settings for internal Physcraper processes if "taxonomy_path" in config["physcraper"].keys(): self.taxonomy_dir = config["physcraper"]["taxonomy_path"] self.check_taxonomy() self.blast_loc = config["blast"]["location"] assert self.blast_loc in ["local", "remote"], ( "your blast location `%s` is not remote or local" % ) if self.blast_loc == "local": self.blastdb = config["blast"]["localblastdb"] self.set_local() if self.blast_loc == "remote": self.url_base = config["blast"].get("url_base") if self.url_base == 'None': self.url_base = None if _DEBUG: sys.stdout.write("{}\n".format( #if self.blast_loc == "remote": # sys.stdout.write("url base = {}\n".format(self.url_base)) sys.stdout.write("{}\n".format(self.blast_loc)) if self.blast_loc == "local": sys.stdout.write("local blast db {}\n".format(self.blastdb)) self.num_threads = config["blast"].get("num_threads") # print("slurm threads") # print(os.environ.get('SLURM_JOB_CPUS_PER_NODE')) if os.environ.get('SLURM_JOB_CPUS_PER_NODE'): self.num_threads = int(os.environ.get('SLURM_JOB_CPUS_PER_NODE')) self.delay = int(config["blast"]["delay"]) assert is_number(self.delay), ( "value `%s`is not a number" % self.delay ) # ############# # read in physcraper settings self.minlen = float(config["physcraper"]["min_length"]) assert 0 < self.minlen <= 1, ( "value `%s` is not between 0 and 1" % self.minlen ) self.spp_threshold = int(config["physcraper"]["spp_threshold"]) self.maxlen = float(config["physcraper"]["max_length"]) assert self.maxlen > 1, ( "value `%s` is not larger than 1" % self.maxlen )
[docs] def set_local(self): """ Checks that all appropriate files etc are in place for local blast db. """ if not return self.blast_loc = "local" self.ncbi_nodes = "{}/nodes.dmp".format(self.taxonomy_dir) self.ncbi_names = "{}/names.dmp".format(self.taxonomy_dir) assert(self.blastdb), "No blast db location set" if not os.path.isdir(self.blastdb): sys.stderr.write( "Local Blast DB not found at {},\ please use a remote search, or update as described\ in ''\n".format(self.blastdb)) sys.exit() if not os.path.exists("{}/nt.23.nhr".format(self.blastdb)): sys.stderr.write("Errors with local Blast DB at {}, \ may be incomplete. please use a remote search, \ or update as described in \ ''\n".format(self.blastdb)) sys.exit() else: download_date = os.path.getmtime("{}/nt.23.nhr".format(self.blastdb)) download_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(download_date) today = time_passed = (today - download_date).days if time_passed >= 90: sys.stderr.write("Your databases might not be up to date anymore. \ You downloaded them {} days ago. \ Continuing, but perhaps use a remote search, \ or update as decribed in \ ''\n".format(time_passed)) if not os.path.exists(self.ncbi_nodes): sys.stderr.write("NCBI taxonomy not found at {} - \ To perform a local blast search, please update nodes and names.dmp, \ as described in \ ''\n".format(self.ncbi_nodes)) sys.exit() else: download_date = os.path.getmtime(self.ncbi_nodes) download_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(download_date) today = time_passed = (today - download_date).days if time_passed >= 90: sys.stderr.write("Your taxonomy databases from NCBI were dowloaded {} days ago. \ To perform a local blast search, please update nodes and names.dmp, \ as described in \ ''\n".format(time_passed)) assert(shutil.which("blastn")), "blastn not found in path" self.url_base = None