Source code for physcraper.aligntreetax

AlignTreeTax: The core data object for Physcraper.
Holds and links name spaces for a tree, an alignment,
the taxa and their metadata.
# Disabling some pylint for this module
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-branches

import sys
import re
import os
import json
import shutil
import dendropy
from dendropy import Tree, DnaCharacterMatrix, datamodel
from physcraper import ncbi_data_parser, ConfigObj
from physcraper.opentree_helpers import get_mrca_ott, bulk_tnrs_load
from physcraper.helpers import to_string, debug


[docs]def set_verbose(): """Set verbosity of outputs""" global _VERBOSE # pylint: disable=global-statement _VERBOSE = 1
_DEBUG = 0
[docs]def generate_ATT_from_files(workdir, configfile, alnfile, aln_schema, treefile, otu_json, tree_schema, search_taxon=None): """ Build an ATT object without phylesystem, use your own files instead. Spaces vs underscores kept being an issue, so all spaces are coerced to underscores when data are read in. Note: has test -> :param alnfile: path to sequence alignment :param aln_schema: string containing format of sequence alignment :param workdir: path to working directory :param config_obj: config class including the settings :param treefile: path to phylogeny :param otu_json: path to json file containing the translation of tip names to taxon names, or to an otu_dictionary :param tree_schema: a string defining the format of the input phylogeny :param search_taxon: optional - OToL ID of the mrca of the clade of interest. If no search mrca ott_id is provided, will use all taxa in tree to calc mrca. :return: object of class ATT """ # replace ? in seqaln with - : papara handles them as different characters if not os.path.exists(workdir): os.makedirs(workdir) # use replaced aln as input if isinstance(otu_json, dict): otu_dict = otu_json elif isinstance(otu_json, str): assert os.path.exists(otu_json) with open(otu_json) as data_file: input_dict = json.load(data_file) if input_dict.keys() == set(['mappingHints', 'names', 'metadata']): otu_dict = bulk_tnrs_load(otu_json) else: otu_dict = input_dict if search_taxon: mrca_ott = int(search_taxon) else: ott_ids = [otu_dict[otu].get(u'^ot:ottId', ) for otu in otu_dict] ott_ids = filter(None, ott_ids) ott_ids = set(ott_ids) mrca_ott = get_mrca_ott(ott_ids) return AlignTreeTax(treefile, otu_dict, alnfile, search_taxon=mrca_ott, workdir=workdir, configfile=configfile, aln_schema=aln_schema, tree_schema=tree_schema)
[docs]def generate_ATT_from_run(workdir, start_files='output', tag=None, configfile=None, run=True): """ Build an ATT object without phylesystem, use your own files instead. :return: object of class ATT """ files = [f for f in os.listdir(workdir)] for file in files: if file.startswith('inputs_'): tag = file.split('.')[0].replace('inputs_', '') assert os.path.exists(workdir) rundir = "{}/run_{}".format(workdir, tag) outputsdir = "{}/outputs_{}".format(workdir, tag) inputsdir = "{}/inputs_{}".format(workdir, tag) if configfile is None: configfile = "{}/run.config".format(rundir) if not run: configfile = ConfigObj(configfile, run = False) if start_files == 'output': sdir = outputsdir if start_files == 'input': sdir = inputsdir try: alnfi = "{}/physcraper_{}.fas".format(sdir, tag) treefile = "{}/physcraper_{}.tre".format(sdir, tag) otu_json = "{}/otu_info_{}.json".format(sdir, tag) assert os.path.exists(alnfi) assert os.path.exists(treefile) assert os.path.exists(otu_json) except AssertionError: if start_files == 'input': sys.stdout.write("No run files found in {}. Data not loaded\n".format(inputsdir)) return None try: sys.stdout.write("No output files found in {}, loading files from {}\n".format(outputsdir, inputsdir)) alnfi = "{}/physcraper_{}.fas".format(inputsdir, tag) treefile = "{}/physcraper_{}.tre".format(inputsdir, tag) otu_json = "{}/otu_info_{}.json".format(inputsdir, tag) assert os.path.exists(alnfi) assert os.path.exists(treefile) assert os.path.exists(otu_json) except AssertionError: sys.stdout.write("No run files found in {}. Data not loaded\n".format(inputsdir)) return None otu_dict = json.load(open(otu_json, "r")) mrca_ott = int(open("{}/mrca.txt".format(inputsdir)).readline().split()[-1]) return AlignTreeTax(tree=treefile, otu_dict=otu_dict, alignment=alnfi, search_taxon=mrca_ott, workdir=workdir, configfile=configfile, tag=tag, tree_schema='newick')
[docs]def write_otu_file(treetax, filepath, schema="table"): """ Writes out OTU dict as json or table. :param treetax: eitehr a treetaxon object or an alignment tree taxon object :param filename: filename :param schema: either table or json format :return: writes out otu_dict to file """ if schema == "json": with open(filepath, "w") as outfile: json.dump(treetax.otu_dict, outfile) leaves = [tax.label for tax, seq in treetax.aln.items()] if schema == "table": keys = ['^ot:ottTaxonName', '^ot:ottId', '^ncbi:taxon', '^ncbi:accession', '^physcraper:last_blasted', '^physcraper:ingroup', '^physcraper:status', '^ot:originalLabel', '^ncbi:title'] header = ["otu_id"] + keys + ['^physcraper:in_current_aln'] with open(filepath, "w") as outfile: outfile.write("\t".join(header)+"\n") for otu in treetax.otu_dict: vals = [str(treetax.otu_dict[otu].get(key, "-")) for key in keys] if otu in leaves: vals.append('True') else: vals.append('False') outfile.write("\t".join([to_string(otu)]+vals)+"\n")
[docs]def write_labelled_tree(treetax, label, filepath, schema="newick", norepeats=True, add_gb_id=False): """ Output tree and alignment with human readable labels. Jumps through a bunch of hoops to make labels unique. NOT MEMORY EFFICIENT AT ALL Has different options available for different desired outputs. :param label: which information shall be displayed in labelled files: possible options: '^ot:ottTaxonName', '^user:TaxonName', "^ot:originalLabel", "^ot:ottId", "^ncbi:taxon" :param treepath: optional: full file name (including path) for phylogeny :param alnpath: optional: full file name (including path) for alignment :param norepeats: optional: if there shall be no duplicate names in the labelled output files :param add_gb_id: optional, to supplement tiplabel with corresponding GenBank sequence identifier :return: writes out labelled phylogeny and alignment to file """ #debug("write labelled files") assert label in ['^ot:ottTaxonName', '^user:TaxonName', '^physcraper:TaxonName', "^ot:originalLabel", "^ot:ottId", "^ncbi:taxon", '^ncbi:accession'] tmp_newick = treetax.tre.as_string(schema="newick") tmp_tre = Tree.get(data=tmp_newick, schema="newick", preserve_underscores=True) for taxon in tmp_tre.taxon_namespace: new_label = treetax.otu_dict[taxon.label].get(label, None) if new_label is None: new_label = taxon.label if add_gb_id: gb_id = treetax.otu_dict[taxon.label].get('^ncbi:accession') if gb_id is None: gb_id = treetax.otu_dict[taxon.label].get("^ot:originalLabel") new_label = "_".join([new_label, str(gb_id)]) else: if norepeats: new_label = "_".join([new_label, taxon.label]) new_label = str(new_label).replace(' ', '_') taxon.label = new_label tmp_tre.write(path=filepath, schema=schema, unquoted_underscores=True, suppress_edge_lengths=False) sys.stdout.write("Tree file written to {}\n".format(filepath))
[docs]def write_labelled_aln(aligntreetax, label, filepath, schema="fasta", norepeats=True, add_gb_id=False): """ Output tree and alignment with human readable labels. Jumps through a bunch of hoops to make labels unique. NOT MEMORY EFFICIENT AT ALL Has different options available for different desired outputs. :param label: which information shall be displayed in labelled files: possible options: '^ot:ottTaxonName', '^user:TaxonName', "^ot:originalLabel", "^ot:ottId", "^ncbi:taxon" :param treepath: optional: full file name (including path) for phylogeny :param alnpath: optional: full file name (including path) for alignment :param norepeats: optional: if there shall be no duplicate names in the labelled output files :param add_gb_id: optional, to supplement tiplabel with corresponding GenBank sequence identifier :return: writes out labelled phylogeny and alignment to file """ #debug("write labelled files") assert label in ['^ot:ottTaxonName', '^user:TaxonName', '^physcraper:TaxonName', "^ot:originalLabel", "^ot:ottId", "^ncbi:taxon", '^ncbi:accession'] tmp_fasta = aligntreetax.aln.as_string(schema="fasta") tmp_aln = DnaCharacterMatrix.get(data=tmp_fasta, schema="fasta") for taxon in tmp_aln.taxon_namespace: assert(taxon.label in aligntreetax.otu_dict), "{} not in {}".format(taxon.label, aligntreetax.otu_dict.keys()) new_label = aligntreetax.otu_dict[taxon.label].get(label, None) if new_label is None: new_label = taxon.label if add_gb_id: gb_id = aligntreetax.otu_dict[taxon.label].get('^ncbi:accession') if gb_id is None: gb_id = aligntreetax.otu_dict[taxon.label].get("^ot:originalLabel") new_label = "_".join([new_label, str(gb_id)]) else: if norepeats: new_label = "_".join([new_label, taxon.label]) new_label = str(new_label).replace(' ', '_') taxon.label = new_label tmp_aln.write(path=filepath, schema=schema)
[docs]class AlignTreeTax(): """ Wrap up the key parts together, requires OTT_id, and names must already match. Hypothetically, all the keys in the otu_dict should be clean. To build the class the following is needed: * **newick**: dendropy.tre.as_string(schema=schema_trf) object * **otu_dict**: json file including the otu_dict information generated earlier * **alignment**: dendropy :class:`DnaCharacterMatrix <dendropy.datamodel.charmatrixmodel.DnaCharacterMatrix>` object * **search_taxon**: OToL identifier of the group of interest, either subclade as defined by user or of all tip labels in the phylogeny * **workdir**: the path to the corresponding working directory * **config_obj**: Config class * **schema**: optional argument to define tre file schema, if different from "newick" During the initializing process the following self objects are generated: * **self.aln**: contains the alignment and which will be updated during the run * **self.tre**: contains the phylogeny, which will be updated during the run * **self.otu_dict**: dictionary with taxon information and physcraper relevant stuff * key: otu_id, a unique identifier * value: dictionary with the following key:values: * '^ncbi:gi': GenBank identifier - deprecated by Genbank - only older sequences will have it * '^ncbi:accession': Genbanks accession number * '^ncbi:title': title of Genbank sequence submission * '^ncbi:taxon': ncbi taxon identifier * '^ot:ottId': OToL taxon identifier * '^physcraper:status': contains information if it was 'original', 'queried', 'removed', 'added during filtering process' * '^ot:ottTaxonName': OToL taxon name * '^physcraper:last_blasted': contains the date when the sequence was blasted. * '^user:TaxonName': optional, user given label from OtuJsonDict * "^ot:originalLabel" optional, user given tip label of phylogeny * **self.ps_otu**: iterator for new otu IDs, is used as key for self.otu_dict * **self.workdir**: contains the path to the working directory, if folder does not exists it is generated. * **self.mrca_ott**: OToL taxon Id for the most recent common ancestor of the ingroup * **self.orig_seqlen**: list of the original sequence length of the input data * **self.gi_dict**: dictionary, that has all information from sequences found during the blasting. * key: GenBank sequence identifier * value: dictionary, content depends on blast option, differs between webquery and local blast queries * keys - value pairs for local blast: * '^ncbi:gi': GenBank sequence identifier * 'accession': GenBank accession number * 'staxids': Taxon identifier * 'sscinames': Taxon species name * 'pident': Blast percentage of identical matches * 'evalue': Blast e-value * 'bitscore': Blast bitscore, used for FilterBlast * 'sseq': corresponding sequence * 'title': title of Genbank sequence submission * key - values for web-query: * 'accession':Genbank accession number * 'length': length of sequence * 'title': string combination of hit_id and hit_def * 'hit_id': string combination of gi id and accession number * 'hsps': Bio.Blast.Record.HSP object * 'hit_def': title from GenBank sequence * optional key - value pairs for unpublished option: * 'localID': local sequence identifier * **self._reconciled**: True/False, * **self.unpubl_otu_json**: optional, will contain the OTU-dict for unpublished data, if that option is used Following functions are called during the init-process: * **self._reconcile()**: removes taxa, that are not found in both, the phylogeny and the aln * **self._reconcile_names()**: is used for the own file stuff, it removes the character 'n' from tip names that start with a number The physcraper class is then updating: * self.aln, self.tre and self.otu_dict, self.ps_otu, self.gi_dict """ def __init__(self, tree, otu_dict, alignment, search_taxon, workdir, configfile=None, tree_schema='newick', aln_schema='fasta', tag=None): debug("build ATT class") if tag is None: self.tag = alignment.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] else: self.tag = tag if _VERBOSE: sys.stdout.write("alignment tag is {}".format(self.tag)) self.workdir = os.path.abspath(workdir) if not os.path.exists(self.workdir): os.makedirs(self.workdir) ## Match taxa to labels self.otu_dict = otu_dict self.otu_rev = {self.otu_dict[otu].get('^ot:originalLabel'):otu for otu in self.otu_dict} if None in self.otu_rev.keys(): del self.otu_rev[None] self.tns = dendropy.TaxonNamespace() self.read_in_aln(alignment, aln_schema) self.read_in_tree(tree, tree_schema) if configfile is None: self.config = ConfigObj() sys.stdout.write("Using default configuration\n") elif isinstance(configfile, str): self.config = ConfigObj(configfile) if not os.path.exists("{}/run.config".format(self.workdir)): shutil.copyfile(self.config.configfi, "{}/copy.config".format(self.workdir)) else: assert(isinstance(configfile, ConfigObj)), type(configfile) self.config = configfile assert self.config ## Read Alignment assert self.tre.taxon_namespace is self.aln.taxon_namespace, "tre and aln taxon_namespace are not identical" assert isinstance(otu_dict, dict), ("otu_dict '%s' is not of type dict" % otu_dict) self.ps_otu = 1 # iterator for new otu IDs self._reconcile() self._reconcile_names() assert int(search_taxon), ("your search_taxon '%s' is not an integer." % search_taxon) self.mrca_ott = search_taxon # ott mrca can be pulled directly from phylesystem self.orig_seqlen = [] # will get filled in later... self.gb_dict = {} # has all info about new blast seq self._reconciled = False self.unpubl_otu_json = None
[docs] def read_in_tree(self, tree, tree_schema=None): """ Imports a tree either from a file or a dendropy data object. Adds records in OTU dictionary if not already present. """ if isinstance(tree, str): if os.path.exists(tree): self.tre = Tree.get(path=tree, schema=tree_schema, preserve_underscores=True, taxon_namespace=self.tns) else: assert tree.startswith('(') self.tre = Tree.get(data=tree, schema=tree_schema, preserve_underscores=True, taxon_namespace=self.tns) elif isinstance(tree, datamodel.treemodel.Tree): self.tre = tree assert isinstance(self.tre, datamodel.treemodel.Tree)
[docs] def read_in_aln(self, alignment, aln_schema): """ Reads in an alignment to the object taxon namespace. """ assert isinstance(alignment, str) assert os.path.exists(alignment) ##Check namespace self.aln = DnaCharacterMatrix.get(path=alignment, schema=aln_schema, taxon_namespace=self.tns) empty = set() for tax, seq in self.aln.items(): tax.label = tax.label.replace(" ", "_") if len(str(seq).replace("?", "").replace("-", "")) == 0: empty.add(tax) self.aln.remove_sequences(empty) msg = ", ".join([str(tax) for tax in list(empty)][:10]) if len(empty) >= 1: sys.stdout.write("All gap taxa {}...\n".format(msg)) #elif isinstance(alignment, datamodel.charmatrixmodel.DnaCharacterMatrix): # self.aln = alignment assert isinstance(self.aln, datamodel.charmatrixmodel.DnaCharacterMatrix), \ ("your aln '%s' is not a DnaCharacterMatrix" % alignment)
def _reconcile(self): """ Taxa that are only found in the tree, or only in the alignment are deleted. This checks that the tree "original labels" from phylesystem align with those found in the alignment. """ debug("reconcile") treed_tax = set() for leaf in self.tre.leaf_nodes(): treed_tax.add(leaf.taxon) aln_tax = set() for tax, seq in self.aln.items(): #pylint: disable=unused-variable aln_tax.add(tax) if not aln_tax.intersection(treed_tax): self.write_files() self.write_otus() sys.stdout.write("No match in taxon labels between tree and alignment, \ files writen to workdir {}\n".format(self.workdir)) sys.exit() all_tax = treed_tax.union(aln_tax) for tax in all_tax: if tax.label not in self.otu_dict: if tax.label in self.otu_rev: otu = self.otu_rev[tax.label] tax.label = otu else: self.otu_dict[tax.label] = {'^ot:originalLabel':tax.label, "^physcraper:status":"original", "^physcraper:last_blasted":None, "^physcraper:ingroup":'unknown' } assert tax.label in self.otu_dict, tax.label prune = treed_tax ^ aln_tax missing = [i.label for i in prune] if missing: errmf = 'NAME RECONCILIATION Some of the taxa in the tree are not in the alignment.' \ ' and will be pruned. Missing "{}"...\n' missing = [self.otu_dict[tax].get('^ot:originalLabel', tax) for tax in missing][:10] errm = errmf.format('", "'.join(missing)) sys.stderr.write(errm) del_aln = [] del_tre = [] for taxon in prune: assert (taxon in aln_tax) or (taxon in treed_tax) if taxon in aln_tax: del_aln.append(taxon) if taxon in treed_tax: del_tre.append(taxon) # self.aln.remove_sequences(del_aln) for tax in del_aln: if tax.label not in self.otu_dict: otu = self.otu_rev[tax.label] else: otu = tax.label self.otu_dict[otu]['^physcraper:status'] = "in original alignment but not tree, taxon info unknown" self.otu_dict[otu]['^physcraper:ingroup'] = "unknown" for tax in del_tre: assert tax in treed_tax, tax self.tre.prune_taxa(del_tre) for tax in del_tre: otu = tax.label self.otu_dict[otu]['^physcraper:status'] = "deleted from tree in reconciliation" self.aln.taxon_namespace.remove_taxon(tax) assert self.aln.taxon_namespace == self.tre.taxon_namespace def _get_path(self, direc): if direc == 'workdir': direc = self.workdir else: assert os.path.exists(direc) return direc def _reconcile_names(self): """ It rewrites some tip names, which kept being an issue when it starts with a number at the beginning. Then somehow a n was added to the tip names. :return: replaced tip names """ for tax in self.aln.taxon_namespace: if tax.label in self.otu_dict.keys(): pass else: found_label = 0 match = re.match("'n[0-9]{1,3}", tax.label) newname = "" if match: newname = tax.label[2:] newname = newname[:-1] for otu in self.otu_dict: original = self.otu_dict[otu].get("^ot:originalLabel") if original in (tax.label, newname): tax.label = otu found_label = 1 if found_label == 0: sys.stderr.write("could not match tiplabel {} or {} to an OTU\n".format(tax.label, newname))
[docs] def prune_short(self): """ Prunes sequences from alignment if they are shorter than specified in the config file, or if tip is only present in tre. Sometimes in the de-concatenating of the original alignment taxa with no sequence are generated or in general if certain sequences are really short. This removes those from both the tre and the alignment. has test: :return: prunes aln and tre """ self.orig_seqlen = [len(self.aln[tax].symbols_as_string().replace("-", "").replace("N", "")) for tax in self.aln] avg_seqlen = sum(self.orig_seqlen) / len(self.orig_seqlen) #debug("average sequence length is {}".format(avg_seqlen)) seq_len_cutoff = avg_seqlen * self.config.minlen prune = [] aln_ids = set() for tax, seq in self.aln.items(): aln_ids.add(tax.label) if len(seq.symbols_as_string().replace("-", "").replace("?", "")) <= seq_len_cutoff: prune.append(tax) treed_taxa = set() for leaf in self.tre.leaf_nodes(): treed_taxa.add(leaf.taxon.label) if prune: fi = open("{}/pruned_taxa".format(self.workdir), 'a') fi.write("Taxa pruned from tree and alignment in prune short " "step due to sequence shorter than {}\n".format(seq_len_cutoff)) for tax in prune: self.remove_taxa_aln_tre(tax.label) fi.write("{}, {}\n".format(tax.label, self.otu_dict[tax.label].get('^ot:originalLabel'))) fi.close() for tax in prune: self.otu_dict[tax.label]["^physcraper:status"] = "deleted in prune short" self.check_tre_in_aln() self._reconciled = 1
[docs] def check_tre_in_aln(self): """ Makes sure that everything which is in tre is also found in aln. Extracted method from trim. Not sure we actually need it there. """ aln_ids = set() for taxon in self.aln: aln_ids.add(taxon.label) assert aln_ids.issubset(self.otu_dict.keys()), \ ([x for x in aln_ids if x not in self.otu_dict.keys()], self.otu_dict.keys()) treed_taxa = set() for leaf in self.tre.leaf_nodes(): treed_taxa.add(leaf.taxon) for leaf in self.tre.leaf_nodes(): if leaf.taxon not in aln_ids: self.tre.prune_taxa([leaf]) self.tre.prune_taxa_with_labels([leaf.taxon]) self.tre.prune_taxa_with_labels([leaf]) treed_taxa.remove(leaf.taxon) assert treed_taxa.issubset(aln_ids), (treed_taxa, aln_ids)
[docs] def remove_taxa_aln_tre(self, taxon_label): """ Removes taxa from aln and tre and updates otu_dict, takes a single taxon_label as input. note: has test, :param taxon_label: taxon_label from dendropy object - aln or phy :return: removes information/data from taxon_label """ tax = self.aln.taxon_namespace.get_taxon(taxon_label) tax2 = self.tre.taxon_namespace.get_taxon(taxon_label) if tax: self.aln.remove_sequences([tax]) self.aln.discard_sequences([tax]) self.aln.taxon_namespace.remove_taxon_label(taxon_label) # raises an error if label not found # the first prune does not remove it sometimes... if tax2: self.tre.prune_taxa([tax2]) self.tre.prune_taxa_with_labels([taxon_label]) self.tre.prune_taxa_with_labels([tax2]) self.otu_dict[tax.label]['^physcraper:status'] = "deleted" else: self.otu_dict[taxon_label]['^physcraper:status'] = "deleted, updated otu_dict but was never in tre or aln!"
[docs] def trim(self, min_taxon_perc): """ It removes bases at the start and end of alignments, if they are represented by less than the value specified. E.g. 0.75 that 75% of the sequences need to have a base present. Ensures, that not whole chromosomes get dragged in. It's cutting the ends of long sequences. has test: """ # debug('in trim') i = 0 seqlen = len(self.aln[i]) while seqlen == 0: i = i + 1 seqlen = len(self.aln[i]) for tax in self.aln: if len(self.aln[tax]) != seqlen: sys.stderr.write("can't trim un-aligned inputs, moving on") return start = 0 stop = seqlen cutoff = len(self.aln) * min_taxon_perc for i in range(seqlen): counts = {"?": 0, "-": 0} for tax in self.aln: call = self.aln[tax][i].label if call in ["?", "-"]: counts[call] += 1 if counts['?'] + counts['-'] <= cutoff: # first ok column start = i break for i in range(seqlen, 0, -1): # previously seqlen-1, that cuts off last character of aln, I changed it. counts = {'?': 0, '-': 0} for tax in self.aln: call = self.aln[tax][i - 1].label # changing seqlen-1 to seqlen requires that we have here i-1 if call in ['?', '-']: counts[call] += 1 if counts['?'] + counts['-'] <= cutoff: stop = i break # here alignment gets shortened to start:stop for taxon in self.aln: self.aln[taxon] = self.aln[taxon][start:stop] # make sure that tre is presented in aln self.check_tre_in_aln() if _VERBOSE: sys.stdout.write("trimmed alignment ends to < {} missing taxa, " "start {}, stop {}\n".format(min_taxon_perc, start, stop)) return
[docs] def get_otu_for_acc(self, gb_id): """ A reverse search to find the unique OTU ID for a given accession number :param gb_id: the Genbank identifier """ if gb_id in {self.otu_dict[otu].get("^ncbi:accession", 'UNK') for otu in self.otu_dict}: for otu in self.otu_dict: if self.otu_dict[otu].get("^ncbi:accession") == gb_id: debug("tried to create OTU for {} but already had otu {}".format(gb_id, otu)) return otu return None
[docs] def add_otu(self, gb_id, ids_obj): """ Generates an otu_id for new sequences and adds them into self.otu_dict. Needs to be passed an IdDict to do the mapping. :param gb_id: the Genbank identifier/ or local unpublished :param ids_obj: needs to IDs class to have access to the taxonomic information :return: the unique otu_id - the key from self.otu_dict of the corresponding sequence """ # debug("add_otu function") otu_id = self.get_otu_for_acc(gb_id) if otu_id: return otu_id while "otuPS{}".format(self.ps_otu) in self.otu_dict: self.ps_otu += 1 otu_id = "otuPS{}".format(self.ps_otu) self.ps_otu += 1 ott_id = None #debug("trying to add an otu with accesion {}".format(gb_id)) ncbi_id, tax_name = ncbi_data_parser.get_tax_info_from_acc(gb_id, ids_obj) if ncbi_id is None: debug("DID NOT ADD accession {} ncbi_id {}".format(gb_id, ncbi_id)) return None ncbi_id = int(ncbi_id) if ncbi_id in ids_obj.ncbi_to_ott.keys(): #debug("ADDED OTU: accession {} ncbi_id {}".format(gb_id, ncbi_id, tax_name)) ott_id = int(ids_obj.ncbi_to_ott[ncbi_id]) else: debug("{} Ncbi id not found in ott_ncbi dictionaries\n".format(ncbi_id)) ott_id = None if ott_id in ids_obj.ott_to_name: ott_name = ids_obj.ott_to_name[ott_id] else: ott_name = None self.otu_dict[otu_id] = {} self.otu_dict[otu_id]["^ncbi:title"] = self.gb_dict[gb_id]["title"] self.otu_dict[otu_id]["^ncbi:taxon"] = ncbi_id self.otu_dict[otu_id]["^ncbi:TaxonName"] = tax_name self.otu_dict[otu_id]["^ot:ottId"] = ott_id self.otu_dict[otu_id]["^physcraper:status"] = "query" self.otu_dict[otu_id]["^ot:ottTaxonName"] = ott_name self.otu_dict[otu_id]["^physcraper:last_blasted"] = None self.otu_dict[otu_id]["^physcraper:ingroup"] = True self.otu_dict[otu_id]["^ncbi:gi"] = self.gb_dict[gb_id]["^ncbi:gi"] self.otu_dict[otu_id]["^ncbi:accession"] = gb_id # get a name for the OTU, no matter from which source if tax_name is not None: self.otu_dict[otu_id]["^physcraper:TaxonName"] = tax_name elif ott_name is not None: self.otu_dict[otu_id]["^physcraper:TaxonName"] = ott_name elif self.otu_dict[otu_id].get('^user:TaxonName'): self.otu_dict[otu_id]["^physcraper:TaxonName"] = self.otu_dict[otu_id]['^user:TaxonName'] else: self.otu_dict[otu_id]["^physcraper:TaxonName"] = "ACC_{}".format(gb_id) assert self.otu_dict[otu_id]["^physcraper:TaxonName"] # is not None if _DEBUG >= 2: sys.stderr.write("acc:{} assigned new otu: {}\n".format(gb_id, otu_id)) #debug("RETURNED OTU_ID {}".format(otu_id)) return otu_id
[docs] def write_papara_files(self, treefilename="random_resolve.tre", alnfilename="aln_ott.phy"): """ This writes out needed files for papara (except query sequences). Papara is finicky about trees and needs phylip format for the alignment. NOTE: names for tree and aln files should not be changed, as they are hardcoded in align_query_seqs(). Is only used within func align_query_seqs. """ #debug('write papara files') self.write_random_resolve_tre(treefilename) self.aln.write(path="{}/{}".format(self.workdir, alnfilename), schema="phylip")
[docs] def write_random_resolve_tre(self, treefilename='random_resolve.tre', direc='workdir'): """ Randomly resolve polytomies, because some downstream approaches require that, e.g. Papara. """ self.tre.resolve_polytomies() self.tre.deroot() direc = self._get_path(direc) treepath = "{}/{}".format(direc, treefilename) tmptre = self.tre.as_string(schema="newick", unquoted_underscores=True, suppress_rooting=True) tmptre = tmptre.replace(":0.0;", ";") # Papara is diffffffficult about root tmptre = tmptre.replace("'", "_") fi = open("{}".format(treepath), "w") fi.write(tmptre) fi.close() return treepath
[docs] def write_aln(self, filename=None, alnschema="fasta", direc='workdir'): """ Output alignment with unique otu ids as labels. """ direc = self._get_path(direc) if filename is None: filename = "physcraper_{}.fas".format(self.tag) alnpath = "{}/{}".format(direc, filename) self.aln.write(path=alnpath, schema=alnschema) return os.path.abspath(alnpath)
[docs] def write_files(self, treefilename=None, treeschema="newick", alnfilename=None, alnschema="fasta", direc='workdir'): """ Outputs both the streaming files, labeled with OTU ids. Can be mapped to original labels using otu_dict.json or otu_seq_info.csv """ #debug("write_files") direc = self._get_path(direc) if treefilename is None: treepath = "{}/physcraper_{}.tre".format(direc, self.tag) else: treepath = "{}/{}".format(direc, treefilename) if alnfilename is None: alnpath = "{}/physcraper_{}.fas".format(direc, self.tag) else: alnpath = "{}/{}".format(direc, alnfilename) self.tre.write(path=treepath, schema=treeschema, unquoted_underscores=True) self.aln.write(path=alnpath, schema=alnschema) return(treepath, alnpath)
[docs] def write_labelled_tree(self, label, filename="labelled", direc='workdir', norepeats=True, add_gb_id=False): """ A wrapper for the write_labelled tree function to maintain older functionalities """ direc = self._get_path(direc) if filename == "labelled": treepath = "{}/{}_{}.tre".format(direc, filename, self.tag) else: treepath = "{}/{}.tre".format(direc, filename) write_labelled_tree(self, label, filepath=treepath, norepeats=norepeats, add_gb_id=add_gb_id)
[docs] def write_labelled_aln(self, label, filename="labelled", direc='workdir', norepeats=True, add_gb_id=False): """ A wrapper for the write_labelled aln function to maintain older functionalities """ direc = self._get_path(direc) if filename == "labelled": alnpath = "{}/{}_{}.fas".format(direc, filename, self.tag) else: alnpath = "{}/{}.fas".format(direc, filename) write_labelled_aln(self, label, filepath=alnpath, norepeats=norepeats, add_gb_id=add_gb_id)
[docs] def write_labelled(self, label, filename="labelled", direc='workdir', norepeats=True, add_gb_id=False): """ Output tree and alignment with human readable labels. Jumps through a bunch of hoops to make labels unique. NOT MEMORY EFFICIENT AT ALL Has different options available for different desired outputs :param label: which information shall be displayed in labelled files: possible options: '^ot:ottTaxonName', '^user:TaxonName', "^ot:originalLabel", "^ot:ottId", "^ncbi:taxon" :param treepath: optional: full file name (including path) for phylogeny :param alnpath: optional: full file name (including path) for alignment :param norepeats: optional: if there shall be no duplicate names in the labelled output files :param add_gb_id: optional, to supplement tiplabel with corresponding GenBank sequence identifier :return: writes out labelled phylogeny and alignment to file """ #debug("write labelled files") self.write_labelled_aln(label, filename=filename, direc=direc, norepeats=norepeats, add_gb_id=add_gb_id) self.write_labelled_tree(label, filename=filename, direc=direc, norepeats=norepeats, add_gb_id=add_gb_id)
[docs] def write_otus(self, filename="otu_info", schema="table", direc='workdir'): """ Output all of the OTU information as either json or csv """ direc = self._get_path(direc) assert schema in ["table", "json"] if schema == "json": otu_path = "{}/{}_{}.json".format(direc, filename, self.tag) if schema == "table": otu_path = "{}/{}_{}.csv".format(direc, filename, self.tag) write_otu_file(self, filepath=otu_path, schema=schema)